10 Tips for Picking the Perfect Suit

10 Tips for Picking the Perfect Suit

Some dresses have survived trends and seasons. Suits are one of them. If you want to dress better, look elegant; suiting up is the way to go. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to impress a potential business investor or a salesman who wants to make a perfect impression on people you meet every day, picking up the perfect suit can make your day. Suits have long been an emblem for sophistication and class and this is no different in the modern age.

Rutherford Birchard Hayes (Pixabay)

From choosing colors, fabrics and accessories etc., these seemingly small but profoundly significant details all play a part in deciding whether you pull off your suit perfectly or if something just doesn’t look quite right. Below are 10 top tips to follow when picking out a suit that will help you to get your look spot on.

1.       Try to get your suit personally tailored
Although it’s a pretty obvious tip, nothing beats the personalized feel and look of a tailored suit. In this regard, inches very much matter and a suit that is slightly off can look ill-fitting once you’ve got it on.

2.       Getting the right color tie
Despite there being no single correct formula to follow when picking a tie, there are some pointers to follow. Some of the more well-established tie colors that tend to work include red, gold or blue, preferably of the non-flashy variety unless you’re really trying to draw attention to yourself.

3.       Match your belt with your shoes
Another simple yet often unheeded rule of suits is that your belt should be the same color as your shoes. A thin leather belt will always looks smart and befitting no matter what kind of suit you have on.

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4.       Double-button for business
Those looking to pull off a more professional look or those who want to show more professionalism at work are advised to opt for a double-button suit, preferably with notched lapels to maximize the formality of the suit.

5.       Single-button for casual
On the contrary, a much more casual and laid-back look can be achieved with a single-button suit, often a great choice of attire for parties and fine-dining.


6.       Navy and charcoal grey jackets are a staple
Although every man has his own tastes, you simply can’t go wrong with a charcoal grey or navy suit jacket. These versatile shades work well with many different colors and can be both formal and casual depending on the occasion.

7.       Black suits tend to be for certain occasions
Despite being relatively common, most leading fashion experts advise avoiding the typical black suit unless for certain occasions such as cocktail parties or a funeral.

8.       Pocket squares should never match the tie
One of the cardinal rules of suit wearing is to avoid choosing the same color pocket square as your tie. Instead, your tie and pocket square should both be idiosyncratic yet still complementing each other for the optimum look.

9.       Accessorize with modesty
Suit accessories such as cuff links, tie bars and even wrist watches undoubtedly add something unique to your look. However, going too overboard can leave you looking like you are trying too hard to impress.

10.   Vests can add a touch of class
Wearing a vest has the power to transform what is essentially a fairly normal suit into something a bit special. It’s also a great way to stay warm in the winter and works in both formal and casual settings.

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Pulling off a suit perfectly is an art that can be difficult to master, especially when you consider how quickly trends move. Just take a look at the infographics by Sunglass Warehouse, which illustrates the evolution of formal attire over the ages as exemplified by the inauguration suits of each US President.

Although to fully elucidate all of the finer points of pulling off the perfect suit would probably require a couple of book volumes to get through, following the above tips can help get you on your way to picking out and pulling off the perfect suit no matter what the occasion.

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